Care Homes

Hannah worked as a Care Home assistant near Reading and it was there that she first started to sing and play to the residents. Since then she has branched out to play other Care Homes in the Thames Valley area, performing for the elderly and for younger adults with disabilities and illnesses requiring nursing care.  

Hannah has a beautiful voice and is an accomplished pianist

She entertains on a regular basis as well as performing at special functions, such as summer fetes and Christmas parties  

She is a popular entertainer with a wide repertoire from the 20th century to the present day; these include the classic songs of Vera Lynn, Doris Day and Peggy Lee, a new set of 50‘s & 60’s party songs from the likes of Connie Francis, The Shirelles, The Ronettes, Cliff Richard and The Beatles and a playlist of well known Pop and Country songs from the 70’s onwards.

Hannah understands her audience and provides the kind of music they want to hear.


If you would like to book Hannah please email by clicking on  

or call/text 07790600113